Thursday, August 09, 2007


Its almost 4 p.m. I started this new job one month, 8 days, and 7 hours ago. You missed the phase of the barista, but that quite alright; it was quite boring. I did learn a lot of lessons but not all of them were at work. Now is the CPA era; I hope this last a bit longer.

I am going to start a new blog called "The Book of Woo." Please read it when it comes out.

It is hard for me to write these blog things, but I would really like to try. Discipline would definitely help.

I'll try to post some pictures in the next few days.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Return 2007

I've returned...I hope this will stay longer and I'll be able to blog more. I'll update more when I can get a chance to think of what I want to say.