Friday, April 14, 2006

The end of 40 days and the beginning of eternity

Hi...I didn't end up writing all forty days *hangs head in defeat* I didn't read all forty days either. Maybe it is myself, maybe it is the devil (although i'll be hesitant to give him that much), but I found myself busier than a bee during the last few weeks. The funny thing is I am not right now and I even have the want to write something.

Now this week we had the SATs or Stanford Achievement Tests for North Hills. It is a series of test used to determine the brain knowledge of a student. Sadly to state, I don't want to know where many of my students lie. I actually think most are lazy bums. We took 3 days to test when it could have been done in 1.5 days. Then we had school, even on good friday. sad, but true.

This week was also Spiritual Emphasis Week. Interesting combination if you ask me...Spirit and Knowledge...hmmm... There were chapels 3 days this week so the teaching week was kind of shot as well. Although I did manage to squeeze one day of teaching out of thursday which was supposed to be a regular class day (so I used it as such). Also to top SEW off, there were two missions trips heading out from the church/school. The church sent three persons to India and China. The school sent a 12 member "squad" to Belize to help a former teacher with different things at the church she works at with her parents. Both groups will be gone for the spring break and will be serving God with their talents.

I think this catches us up just a tad, but if not...oh well...I'll post again soon.
