Thursday, June 01, 2006

Had to figure out my password again...

Its good to hear from the admiral...

School is almost over...almost...finals are coming are under way...

cruise to the kamens is approaching...sun and fun, and motion sickness?

I've got a new harddrive in my computer...i love having extended warranty it saves a lot of money in the long run.

Getting ready to go back to college to get degree in music, gonna be a worship pastor...

sorry for writing in fragments, its just whats going on in my mind right now, so its like actually looking into my mind...haha...

okay, i have to go now, i'll tlak to you later!


Friday, April 14, 2006

The end of 40 days and the beginning of eternity

Hi...I didn't end up writing all forty days *hangs head in defeat* I didn't read all forty days either. Maybe it is myself, maybe it is the devil (although i'll be hesitant to give him that much), but I found myself busier than a bee during the last few weeks. The funny thing is I am not right now and I even have the want to write something.

Now this week we had the SATs or Stanford Achievement Tests for North Hills. It is a series of test used to determine the brain knowledge of a student. Sadly to state, I don't want to know where many of my students lie. I actually think most are lazy bums. We took 3 days to test when it could have been done in 1.5 days. Then we had school, even on good friday. sad, but true.

This week was also Spiritual Emphasis Week. Interesting combination if you ask me...Spirit and Knowledge...hmmm... There were chapels 3 days this week so the teaching week was kind of shot as well. Although I did manage to squeeze one day of teaching out of thursday which was supposed to be a regular class day (so I used it as such). Also to top SEW off, there were two missions trips heading out from the church/school. The church sent three persons to India and China. The school sent a 12 member "squad" to Belize to help a former teacher with different things at the church she works at with her parents. Both groups will be gone for the spring break and will be serving God with their talents.

I think this catches us up just a tad, but if not...oh well...I'll post again soon.


Friday, March 24, 2006

a long week finally over

Well this week is coming to an end, although the events that have precluded the weekend may continue on. I can't be too specific, since this is a public site and she would not be too happy with me spilling my guts out, but lets say that my girlfriend and her family have been having a very hard week. It has been many long nights of listening and consoling and counselling. No one has died or have gotten very sick. We shall call it a "conflict of interests" that has boiled down to almost pure nonsense.

If you read this blog, all I ask for is prayer for my girlfriend and her family. Pray that God would give her wisdom in the choices that she makes and her family wisdom as well. Also pray for our relationship that the FATHER would strengthen it and He would send down some peace.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Where's the key?

Twice, i locked myself out of my room...grrr...thank you God for putting people in my life who know how to get into a room...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

40 Days of Purpose VIII

The first purpose the pleasure of God.

We were made to bring pleasure to the almighty. The first two commandments were reflection of what God required of the Isrealites in worship. Bring pleasure to God has taken the form of worship; not just singing but in living our life out as pleasing to God.

Two thoughts are brought to the surface today: 'Worship is not for my benefit' and 'Worship is my life.' If we were made to bring pleasure to God, how come we seek to take pleasure from worship as well? Worship was not meant for us to "gain anything" but to give everything to God.

Is worship just music? I think that it is not, there are many more ways of "bringing pleasure to God" than just singing. How we live our life should be a worship offering to God. Many songs have been written on this but I think it is summed up nicely by an acquaitance of mine known as MOI.

I come tonight to yeild my right
I give you my life as a gift of offering
like the one that you gave me
It may not make a difference
It may not change a single life
It may not move a single stone
but it pleases you

Is my life that gift of offering that bring pleasure to God? It may have no earthly affect but i want my life to be pleasing to him.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

40 Days of Purpose IV

I apologize for missing day III. For some reason things keep getting in the way. I know that is not how I am act during this time, and that I am to place time to read. But what is past is past and now is present.

Yesterday was day 4, Made to last forever.

Two things stuck out in my mind: 1) There is ultimately two choices, heaven or hell. 2) We as finite beings tend to thing short term when all of our descisions have long-term consequences, in fact eternal consequences.

I've known for a while that I was created to live forever. It was actually one of the first things I discovered on my own about Christianity. Unfortunately, it lead me on a path thinking that I was indestructable, immune to different things. Fortunately, it didn't get past my head. Although until recently, I hadn't felt the effects of my early life choices. One choice that has always left a dark cloud over my head was the fact that I never finished my senior year out playing basketball. I always wonder now what would be different if I had finished my Senior year. Would I have played in college? Would I have had a different major? Would I have the discipline that Coach was trying to teach me? I don't know, I can't answer that; but I can learn from my choices and make the right ones now. Although I am placed in a position that I cannot back out of so the only choice is to be disciplined and last through the season.

Until next time, your favorite asian.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

40 Days of Purpose II

The second day of 40DOP states that you are an intentional creation. There is a purpose for you to be born. There is/was a purpose for everyone to be born or even concieved. Every part of you was purposed before it was created. RW states that "God is not haphazard." God does not go and make moves without thinking.

I am also reading JI Packer's "Knowing God." The chapter I am on, speaks upon the majesty of God and that he is both personal and majestic. JIP goes on to state that you cannot hide from God because he is always there (psalm 139).

These two ideas fused together and brought me to the fact that this God, awesome in splendor and glory, knows everything going on in my life. How then should I be living in and out of the spotlight of the public? Because I am never out of the spotlight of God.

Monday, February 20, 2006

40 Days of Purpose I

Yesterday, marked the beginning of the 40 DOP at North Hills Baptist Church. For those of you who do not know, it is a campaign that God gave to Rick Warren, pastor of saddleback community. It has affected millions of lives and the book is a #1 bestseller.

As Rick Warren states, the book itself is not a self-help book, but a guide/focus onto what is the true way to find purpose in life, that is to look to God, the one who created you, and plan a purpose for you even before you were concieved.

For the next 40 days I would like to leave 40 blogs of how God is revealing his purpose for me.

What has really struck me, was the truth behind 40DOP not being a self-help book. RW says you can try a numerous amount of things and become successful but that in itself is not fulfilling your purpose. Interestingly enough, you can find your purpose, not by anything of your power except by finding the one who created you. A creation/invention does not know its purpose because it did not create itself, only the creator/inventor can truly tell its purpose. And that purpose for our lives can be found in our "owner's manual": The Bible.

So the question becomes "Why do I not study my owner's manual more so I can find my purpose?"

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I am really [four letter word synomymous with mad inserted here]-ed and am trying to be good about it. It concerns my girlfriend and one of her childhood friends, who turns out to be a leach and parasite all rolled into one. you know those people who claim to be Christians and know enough to be "dangerous" to real believers; thats her. She is using the Bible (luke 6: 37) to make my girlfriend feel guilty about what she is doing, and that is cutting her off. Before you jump on that, let me explain that my GF has done everything in her power to reconcile the friendship without giving in to her friend. But everytime, the friend just throws it back in her face.
Fortunately, I have a very smart and wise girlfriend who wont rise to the bait (had to hold her back ^_^). Instead, she's closing all forms of communication between them (at least on the internet). It was really tough for her, but this has been an issue that has been stressing her out. Please pray for her. If you have any other advice, i'm pretty sure it will taken gladly.

till the next post, the Crazy Asian

edited 2/16 10:31

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Verily, I say that today is a day of expressing one's love
Always taken out of context and misconcieved notions
Lost in spooniness
Every one is affected, like it or not
Take care to remember that its not about the act but
Instead focus upon that which important and remember to observe
National Single Awareness day
Excuse the list, but its the best way to express myself

I thought I might post, since I really haven't felt up to snuff in the update, everythings going well.

was in the dog house for about an hour but I got out, (whoo)

Talk to you later

Friday, February 03, 2006


Thank God I'm Free

10. free of this week
09. free of students for two days
08. free of doing grading (because I just finished it)
07. free to let my mind focus on something else
06. free to work on the video for church
05. free to give God glory for all he's done (I've always been that)
04. free of a master who's burden would kill me
03. free to give up my freedom to a master who's burden is light
02. free to make choices that are pleasing to the Master

What are you free of/for/to?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Beautiful tarnished times

Don't you hate it when everything is going well and then you just screw it up in some way to make it go sour? It seems that quite too often I am doing that, just saying something or doing something I probably shouldn't be doing and not stopping myself before I do it so I end up "beating" myself up over it. I won't lie, its hard to keep this relationship going smoothly, or any relationship for that matter, its just the amount of effort I want to put in. This is a relationship I don't want to lose, so I'm going to work my behind off to keep it; even if that means staying up later than I should so we can solve the problem. If you all could, just pray for my girlfriend and myself. I really do believe she is the one, but it will be a while before anything concrete can happen.

ON the work front, it appears that God has started to line things up for me working at the church. I am really excited and can't wait to see what God has instored. It will probably be I.T. and several various jobs as well as "interning" for the worship pastor (my girlfriend's dad) and the youth minister. If things go well, I will be headed back to school in the summer and start working on my bachelors degree for music and then my masters after that. FAFSA help me out. God help me out even more!

Well I must prepare for classes, I must get myself in the teaching mode.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

string issues

I broke another string last night. I don't know why it keeps happening so I am going to get some cheaper strings that are just as good. I can get three sets for the price of one set I usually get.

I hope this well help, until I can find the root of the problem in the guitar.

Okay, talk to you soon!

Monday, January 23, 2006

the need for space...heaters

hehe...I got the chills last night and it wasn't fun. It formed some itch in my throat and near my lungs and I was coughing all night. I'm better now but still a little cold. ITs finals this week for school so it shouldn't be too hard.

I'm going to be talking to the pastor today about next year and possibly working at the church and going to school at the same time. I'm not ready to leave this area yet (single at least) and still don't know where I want to go.

Take care this week!

Seek God and He will reveal Himself to you!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Looking for the future

I'm tired today. I don't think its from me staying up way too late, no I don't think that at all. Okay, actually I do, I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight (very unlikely scenario). I'm going to schedule an appointment with my pastor and talk to him about maybe a future job at the church rather than at the school (the school and church are in the same place) and then going to school as well to start getting music classes out of the way.

I guess some of you TMC grads and currents are wondering why I didn't major in music while I was there. I guess the answer is, I didn't want to; I do now and thats what matters, I guess its another 5 years in school again. woohoo.

Please pray that I'll stay focused on what I have to do this year in terms of responsibilities. The focus needs to stay on teaching until it is done. Then I can do what i need to.

Write to you laterz

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Looming ahead

finals for the students are coming up next week. I always thought the student [being one at the time] had it tough. Studying for 7 test and stressing out for the week. I've come to realize how much teachers do before and after the testing time. Grading and prepping; if there were only three of me, I think I could it all on time.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Danger Will Robinson

I would have posted last night, but today came too fast. Today went better than I had expected. Thankyou Father for the good day you gave me. After school was done, I got about two and a half hours worth of work done (in which I still have 2.5 more to go) and was finished by 6:30, so I should have gotten 3 hours done. Went to dinner with my girlfriend, her family, and a mutual friend. But the fun was before that, went out to guitar center and went shopping for a bass guitar and a drum set. We didn't pick up a drum set but we ended up with a bass guitar and an amp to go with it. I'll post an image of it in a moment. Its an OLP and pretty good, we got it for 200 bucks and and amp for another 200. So all in all it wasn't a bad deal. Then we went back to the family's house and my girlfriend and I played video games until 11:30. Good thing I only have a seminar tomorrow! and I have I have a seminar tomorrow.

Well with that said, I had better get to bed.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Jaunary 11, 2006

Sleep deprivation is not good. 'nuf said

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another day, another dollar

*sigh* The day is done with teaching with a pile of work to grade. maybe gonna go to marysville or whatever its called to drop a van off with my girlfriend's family. Okay bye

Monday, January 09, 2006

January 09, 2006

Welcome to the second week of January. It already feels like its been a month since new years. The thought is I know what I want to do, but I don't see a way of getting there, especially when I'm semi-stuck in the job I have now (contract).

God please provide the way so I can serve you to all of your glory.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I think this is me Posted by Picasa

January 7, 2006

Well, its been a fun day. My girlfriend and I went to my parents house and played Lord of the Rings: The return of the King on my X-box, we played until my thumbs were dead. We also went to a japanese resteraunt for dinner. I had teryaki Beef, although it was more sauted than teryaki. oh well. Got church tomorrow and I gotta wake up early for practice. It'll be good.

God, thank you for being faithful and being a great God. Father, I'm so glad you had a plan that would redeem us and that your glory would be displayed. Jesus, Thank you for your sacrifice in the Father's plan. Spirit, thank you for your conviction upon my heart.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Where am I

It is days like these that make me wonder am I doing what at this school. God is this where you want me to be? They said its gonna be easier. Its not and i'm feeling the pressure. Give me wisdom and open a path for me, I will try to be patient and open minded in what you would have me do.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dreams that go bump in the night

I had a freakishly strange dream. I dreamt I was like a ghost hunter and my partner and I were in this haunted house with a little kid. I know, how unsafe is that? Anyway, we went through all the rooms finding remains of people who lived there before; fortunately no ghost showed up which is good because that would have woken me up in a fit. I actually think it had to do with watching skeleton key a couple nights ago even though it really wasn't that scary; but it could have had more of an affect of me than I thought it did.

Okay off to work...woohoo...sayanara

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The night of January 4

Tonight was a good night. There was a lot of music starting with practice all the way through youth group and a practice before that. Wow...Wednesday is going to be busy.

It was my girlfriend's sister's eleventh birthday; she opened the gifts yesterday and we had homemade cake today.

Classes are rough right now, I still feel sick and I don't want to be here right now. I already have summeritis and its not even the end of winter. Teaching is alot harder than it looks...I found that out last year but its cropping up again.

Well, better go to bed now.

Goodnight all.

Tough night last night was

I can't think of a tougher night, being sick did not help at all. Lord, I wish I was better so I wouldn't be this "blah". Help me get through today since it won't be a day that will stop with school, practice, practice (for youth worship), and youth group. I don't know if I'll find the time I need to get my rest but I know I really need to trust in you. As cathy said, I want to claim it but it is so hard. Please help me claim the power of your name!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2nd post and a little more about me

Here is the second post today.

Let me get a little more about me out. I am Asian, Chinese to be specific. I have been on this planet for approximately 26 years. I am also a Christian. I believe that Jesus Christ (who is God) died on the cross bearing the sins of the world and buried them as he was buried. Three days later, He came back to life and conquered death, giving every man the chance to live again as Christ lived again. And it is simple to have that life, as Peter told the jailor, "Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved." I am currently a teacher at a Christian school in Vallejo, California where I teach math and science. I am also the director for the chapel music for the secondary chapels.

Okay, I have to get to work now. I'll talk to you later about the church I go to and tell you a bit about my personal life as well. oooh.

Later dayz

Hello and Welcome

It is lunch time at work and i decided to create this blog so I can keep some of my friends updated on what's been happening with me. Most of you who know me know that I am asian. So for now we will leave it at that. I must now prepare for my next class (which means I am a teacher). I will post another update this afternoon to introduce myself further and give my purposes for this journal.